We will provide a place of Refuge and create an opportunity for lives to be transformed…

  • CitrusdalA Small Farming Community

  • The FutureFor HCP and Citrusdal

    Our vision and hopes for HCP seem at times to be overwhelmingly beyond possibility. But we serve the God of the impossible. Our intention is never for this to be a project that exists on paper, highlighting numbers and statistics. Our heart is for people.

  • Partnershipsand Programs

    Because our hope for changing the future lies in the hands of our younger generation.

    Our programmes will uplift and empower our youth to become future leaders…

  • FocusDevelop and Establish

    Our main focus has been to develop and establish the facilities/recreation area on Philadelphia Farm, namely the Sports Field and Life Centre. Now completed, these facilities allow us so much more scope in terms of REACHING the surrounding farms and enable us to be more efficient in transforming our community.

P.O. BOX 376
Western Cape
South Africa 

Tel SA: +27 22 921 2857
Tel USA: +1 425 623 4716
Fax: 0866329763



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